Dotkernel Frontend is a

PSR-7 Middleware skeleton

Built on top of the Mezzio microframework.
Composed of a set of custom and extended Laminas components.




Dotkernel is built around the PSR-11 dependency container. We have chosen Laminas Service Manager as our default implementation.

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PSR-11 and Laminas Service Manager


By default, no middleware in Laminas is templated. For Dotkernel's Frontend application, we have chosen Twig as the default templating engine.

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Twig and Dotkernel TwigRenderer


Among the various routing implementations compatible with Expressive, we have chosen FastRoute as Dotkernel's default routing library.

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http messages

Laminas, and consequently Dotkernel, is built around the PSR-7 standard.
It uses Laminas Diactoros as the PSR-7 implementation.

Get started with
PSR-7 and Laminas Diactoros

Dotkernel Frontend components